" Travel solo, go to the concert alone, take yourself out to dinner, explore the city on your own. Stop waiting for other people to give you the permission to do the things you would like to do " Angela

After enduring a severe muscular condition that caused excruciating pain whenever I tried to stand or walk, and being misdiagnosed with hip arthritis after the birth of my third son I was determined to find relief and so I explored natural health remedies.
Through several sessions of deep tissue massage and pelvic manipulations, I became pain-free. The relief was indescribable, and from that moment, I felt a calling to help others achieve a pain-free life. I am passionate about helping people live happy, healthy, and active lives, enabling them to enjoy their favourite hobbies and activities while staying mobile and agile for many years to come.
Now, with over 20 years of accumulated knowledge and experience, I create unique, tailored treatment plans for my clients. In addition I write courses, teach workshops and co-create enabling students to feel confident in their practices.
Angela has several events listed on our page and also runs the accredited courses.
Massage Mastery Bootcamp
To participate in this course you need to have level three in Holistic Massage and A&P.
During the three day training you learn:
Deep tissue massage
Understanding the different massage techniques for individual muscle groups
Delivering deeper pressure, using new techniques without injury to the therapist
Mastering advanced massage techniques
How to conduct a full postural assessment
Advanced massage practice clinic
Business Training
Plan your goals to achieve your outcome
How to attract more clients
Creating Social Media Content
How to relate to your clients
Safe guarding yourself and your clients
The Bonuses
A Diploma in Deep Tissue Massage
10% discount with A.B.T. (Association of beauty therapists)
Social Media Editable Templates
1 one to one business success strategy session
Access to the private Facebook community
An opportunity for a free workshop on essential oils and pain relief
Aroma Touch Massage
1hr session -
During this technique we apply essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet, which helps stimulate and balance the body's sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. It improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting:
Stress management.
Immune support.
Inflammatory response.
Lymphatic movement.
The Arōma Touch Technique includes four primary steps, each step includes applying two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for well-being.
Step 1. Stress Reducing Oils - Balance and Lavender
Step 2. Immune Enhancement Oils - Tea Tree and On-Guard
Step 3. Inflammatory Response Reducing Oils - Aroma Touch and Deep Blue
Step 4. Autonomic Balancing Oils - Orange and Peppermint