" Know this you are not responsible for other peoples versions of yourself in other peoples minds " Asti

After discovering 9D Breathwork the way I showed up and viewed the world totally changed. I realised that I was living in my headspace for so long. I was amazed at how breathing and somatic healing could have such an impact on my future.
I moved energy through my body and released emotions and negative beliefs that I didn’t even know I was holding on to. I now live as my true self creating a life attuned to my core values. I realise we all have the ability to heal within us, we are amazing human beings. You can also discover your inner confidence and wisdom and feel that light within you radiate like I have.
This process led me to becoming a Breathwork Master, Somatic healer through Movement and the 9D Breathwork. I recognised the importance of trying something new by building relationships, communities, friendship bonds by taking part in mindful activities together. Generally people want to become a better version of themselves, we have this covered within Roots of Wellness.
9D Breathwork
One - One session
1hr. 45 minutes session one to one - £65
Group sessions
2hr session up to six people - £49 per person
2hr session seven people or more - £45 per person
Intuitive Movement
One to one sessions available
Corporate events available please contact below
During this movement we experience a combination of movement, breathwork, and sound This moves stuck energy through the body, we explore all facets of the physical body in non-linear movements. You will end up laughing, it is fluid and fun, a beautiful connection, no judgement, you just move that body.
1hr session - £12 per person
Book four sessions - £40
Aroma Touch & Meditation
1hr session - £55
During this technique we apply essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet, which helps stimulate and balance the body's sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems. It improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting:
Stress management.
Immune support.
Inflammatory response.
Lymphatic movement.
The Arōma Touch Technique includes four primary steps, each step includes applying two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for well-being.
Step 1. Stress Reducing Oils - Balance and Lavender
Step 2. Immune Enhancement Oils - Tea Tree and On-Guard
Step 3. Inflammatory Response Reducing Oils - Aroma Touch and Deep Blue
Step 4. Autonomic Balancing Oils - Orange and Peppermint